Monday, August 30, 2010

More That I've Seen

It's now been two weeks that I've been in the Pass, and it hasalready been quite an experience. It's been a rainy week, and it was tough to find time to go take some pictures, but I managed to get a few that I consider to be of quality to share.

I am really enjoying life by the beach. It's so relaxing to wake up and drive or ride my bike by the shore and smell the salt in the air. The sunsets here are amazing, and I've heard that the sunrises are even better, but I have yet to find it in myself to wake up early enough to capture one of those.

This vault is all that remains from a bank in Bay St. Louis, MS. The door has rusted completely in the five years or so it has been exposed to the air. It was quite an impressive sight along the coast, a last remain of sorts.

This is the backside of the vault. I love seeing nature reclaim the ruins in this area, and I have to believe that it is more beautiful this way than it was before Hurricane Katrina ravaged this area. It is quite a bizarre experience to walk on slabs that are still covered in tiles and think that it once housed businesses or people.

And lastly for now, some work we have done around the studio. We were working to increase seating around the fire pit the last group had left for us. The night after we had set the two posts that will hold up a section of the seating, this giant branch from a pecan tree fell onto it. At least now we don't have to worry about finding firewood.