Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lessons Learned

Today we met with our client for the second time, and the first since we've had a "house" to talk about. It was a great pleasure to see her again, and I feel like she put more energy into the project than we had when the day started, and it was wonderful to put a face back with the project and know ultimately that she and her family will be living here when we are finished.
In meeting with her today, I became conscious of the fact that she is probably going to be one of, if not the greatest clients I will ever have the chance to work for, and her gratitude alone is all the remuneration I need to continue working.
She also had some gifts to share with us today. In addition to her sage advice, she also taught Tray and I how to fillet a fish. While doing so, she also told us about the cultural differences is preparing fish in this country, versus what is customary in Vietnam. There, it is typical of them to leave all the meat on the fish and cook it whole after cleaning, picking through the bones because it yields the most meat.

I cannot completely express how fortunate I am to be here right now, but I am so thankful for everything that has led me here.

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