Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dual Purpose

It's really convenient when anything at any given point in time can be used in more than one way.  I think that is what made the volunteer fire station in Newbern, AL so interesting.  While housing the two emergency vehicles for this part of the county, there is also space above the vehicles that acts as the town hall.   This project was completed by some a group of four fifth year thesis students involved in the Rural Studio.  It took over two years to complete the building of this fairly large (relative to some of the other projects we saw).  One interesting stipulation about the thesis year at the Rural Studio is that the students are required to live in Newbern until they complete their project.  It's very nice to see a group of students so in love with their work that they gave up a year of their time to leave behind this wonderful building for the town to benefit from.