Monday, October 4, 2010

Learning by Seeing [or possibly Seeing by Learning]

It's getting to a point on our project that is kind of scary, soon it will be built.  And with that looming over us we must work through many, many details to make all parts look thought out rather than a serious of details that were overlooked and solved, unthought, on site.  With that understanding, we went to look at projects by the Gulf Coast Design Studio as I previously mentioned.  A few members of the studio were kind enough to attend our last pinup and invited to give their observe their work and how they mitigated many of the same issues we are currently addressing in our house for Ms Dang.

Some of the trouble for us has been in the fact that the house must be 18' above sea level, which at our site is about 12' above ground level. The first thing that has to be figured out is how one moves from the ground to the house and additionally, how one would do so without getting wet.  Another problem we have to address revolves around something called Smart Code, which while well intentioned, many parts do not make sense in practice here in Pass Christian.   The code calls for almost 50% screening of the underside of the house viewable from the road.  There are screens in town that are just pasted to the side of the houses, so we are trying to achieve a screen that is more thoughtful and engages the underside of the house when viewed from the road.  

For every example of a more correct way of accomplishing anything there is a wrong too, and we made sure to take note of those as well.

1 comment:

  1. They say that the mailman's left leg is four inches shorter than his right.
