Friday, October 22, 2010


It's something that I have done a lot more this semester than I have in semesters past.  Be it a place or idea, it's a practice I always saw I needed to do but for one reason or another I have not, until now.  Maybe it is the dynamics of working with a group that demand a constant observation to maintain a clear focus with original ideas intact or constant communication with others keeps the ideas coming a head. This week was another revisiting of a place though.
Last time we were there it was very impromptu, and without knowing when we went, Leah had kindly arranged for us a tour of the museum in Biloxi, MS that Frank Gehry's firm is currently working on, with the help of a local firm.  That local firm, whose name escapes me now, was kind enough to walk us through the project again, while looking at some of the points from a more technical standpoint.  I think the one thing that stood out to me was just how much control Gehry's office maintains after they "give," so to speak, the project over to the local firm.  If ANYTHING moves more than just 3 inches Gehry has to give his approval before it can continue.  Anyway, here are some more pictures, mostly from the two structures that are not going to be completed for another year or so; those being what are referred to as the "Pods" and where a Ceramics studio will be housed.

And my favorite:

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